It’s New Year’s Resolutions Time
Every year at this time they appear like clockwork: New Year’s Resolutions. We all resolve to make an important change in our lives that bring new meaning. For us, we Resolve for healthier skin in 2016.
Christmas and Thanksgiving have passed, and you’re about to watch the ball drop in Times Square again for the latest of more years than you’d care to think about. Then as you sit back with champagne and reflect on the goals you did or didn’t achieve over the past dozen months, (and the caloric consumption you did) the first couple come to you. What, you ask? Why New Year’s resolutions, of course.
New Year’s resolutions are the reason gym parking lots overflow in January. They help to keep weight-loss/food distribution companies in the black, and they’re likely responsible for a few extra phone calls from you to distant friends and relatives each winter. Sometimes, these and other promises to ourselves take hold, and sometimes, of course, they don’t. That’s just human nature. And for those of us who regularly do go to the gym, the extra parking spaces made available again to us by March are indeed very much appreciated. But I digress.
The celebration of dawn breaking on yet another fresh trip for Mother Earth around our sun is a perfect reminder of how important our relationship with it is. While our solar system’s most popular star is unquestionably in part responsible for life here on our planet, too much exposure to it is also responsible for skin cancer and Melanoma. That being the case, we’d ask you to consider resolving one thing more in 2016: increased sun-safety awareness.
As the sun’s harmful UV rays are present throughout the year and through all kinds of weather, January’s as good a time as any to get into the habit of protecting yourself from sun skin damage. This New Year’s Eve, simply resolve to wear sunscreen whenever you plan to spend time outdoors. And as often as practical wear clothes that cover exposed areas of your skin. Hats and sunglasses are great ideas, also.
Just integrating these few easy steps into your 2016 routine can help ensure a happy, healthy you and healthier skin you for many New Year celebrations to come!
Sundicators: The Best Skin-surance Under the Sun!
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