Learning Lessons During The Spring Holiday
It’s pretty amazing that we’re already arriving at Easter Sun-day. It seems like just yesterday we were posting our Christmas blog piece. But as the old saying goes, time and tide wait for no man. (Or woman.) Or for that matter, sun-safety precautions.
Easter, whether people look at it from either a religious or secular perspective, is an annual symbol of rebirth. It’s an enormous sign of spring that, for many, means a time to gather with family and friends to share a good meal. For children of course, it’s also a time for large Easter baskets overflowing with chocolate and jelly beans; for back yard egg hunts.
It’s also the perfect opportunity to teach your young sons and daughters about the importance of protecting themselves from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Skin cancer is the world’s most common cancer, and kids and young adults are even more susceptible to it and other skin damage caused by sun exposure.
So after you’ve filled the green plastic grass of their baskets with edible bunnies, marshmallow peeps, peanut butter and pastel-colored candied eggs along with the rest, add one last adornment to the arrangement: a bottle of sunscreen. Then take a moment or two to explain to them why using it whenever they’re outside is so important. In addition, you can also add in a few of our Sundicators UV monitoring wristbands. They’re for both genders and all ages, and through an easy color-changing system will tell them when sunblock needs to be re-applied.
Many parents like to color eggs and hide them outdoors for their youngsters to find. It’s a fun, time-honored tradition, and there’s a simple way to add sun-safety to it, too. Pretty much any dollar store will carry not only those hollow plastic eggs, but also small, travel-sized sunscreen containers. Just place some of the latter inside the former and hide them with the real eggs. Make a game out of learning.
The thing is, the younger people are when they become accustomed to taking safeguards against the sun, the more likely they are to make it a lifelong habit.
And think of it, as sunblock is used exclusively externally, there’ll be at least one item in their baskets that is guaranteed not to cause cavities.
Happy Easter Sun-day to all!
Sundicators: The Best Skin-surance Under the Sun!
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